A Day in the Life!

Hi everyone!

Now that I am a month and a half into my Au Pair experience, I can pretty much say I am adjusted to my job and new lifestyle here. I figured I would share with you what a typical day looks like, as I've only shown the highlights of my trip thus far.

So, I chose a random day and wrote down everything I did including times to give you an accurate look at my life 5 days a week.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

7:45 a.m - I wake up and get ready for the day.

8:45 a.m - I get all my things (including breakfast to eat on the train) and leave the house. As I walk to the train station I regret not bringing an umbrella. It's raining quite a bit. I'm thankful for the cooler weather after it being 30 degrees for all of September!

8:50 a.m - I arrive at the train station and wait for my train.

8:57 a.m - The train comes, and it's pretty crowded as the train conductors are on strike today, so they are supposed to come less frequently. Oddly enough all my trains came on time anyway.

9:06 a.m - I arrive at the central station in my area and change to the above-ground train to ride to the city centre.

9:15 a.m - I study a little bit for my upcoming Spanish test, listen to some music, and enjoy the (somewhat gloomy today) sights.

9:40 a.m - I arrive to the centre and walk (more like run, it's raining a lot now) to Spanish class, which is just 5 minutes from the metro.

10:00 a.m - Spanish class.

11:40 a.m. - Class is finished, I head back home exactly the way I came.

12:40 a.m - I arrive home and eat a quick snack before getting ready and heading to the gym.

1:00 p.m - I workout, shower, and head back home.

2:15 p.m - I get home and put away my things, and have lunch. I don't usually cook anything as there are always lots of leftovers from dinner the day before.

3:30 p.m - After some time to relax, I head upstairs to make the kid's snack. A cultural difference is that all the kids here eat their snack as soon as they get out of school instead of waiting to get home.

3:45 p.m - I gather all the stuff for the kid's activities and walk to their school.

4:00 p.m - I arrive at the school and help the kids get ready for their activities.

4:15 p.m - No one is allowed in the schoolyard while the activities are on, so I go sit on a bench outside of the school and study Spanish while the kids are at their activities.

5:00 p.m. - I go back into the schoolyard and pick up the kids.  Normally we would walk home but today the mom picks us up.

5:10 p.m. - We arrive home and put away all the school things, then I give them a bath.

6:00 p.m - Time for homework. They practice reading and writing every day, plus any homework from school. We also do something to practice English, like games or vocabulary practice from their school books.

7:30 p.m - We play with toys, often we draw as well but not today.

8:00 p.m - Time for dinner. Afterwards, I help clean up and say goodnight to the kids.

9:00 p.m - I am finished with the kids for the day, and head to my room. I talk to my friends and family and go to bed pretty soon after.

Obviously, each day is different but this is what a typical day looks like for me Monday - Friday. I hope this gave you an idea of what my everyday looks like here in Spain, and I hope you enjoyed reading! I am planning to make a post to recap all the other fun things I've been up to at the end of the month, so stay tuned!
